Monday, February 24, 2020

Market Research Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Market Research Master - Essay Example There is a growing consensus among management professionals on the role and significance of research in marketing decision-making. While there is a popular belief that more money spent on marketing research may reduce the chance of a bad decision, business owners and marketers are often esoteric, [Chiba, 2005] and even critical of marketing research, considered costly in terms of money and time and lacking accountability and precision, being only a recommended action. [Chee and Harris, 1998; p. 193] The paper attempts to understand and establish the significance of marketing research in decision-making and for business success. As a prelude to the topic, it may be imperative to define and understand the scope of marketing research. "the systematic collection and objective recording, classification, analysis and presentation of data concerning the behaviour, needs, attitudes, opinions, motivations etc., of individuals and organizations (commercial enterprises, public bodies etc.) within the context of their economic, social, political and everyday activities" [Cited Cannon, 1996; p.100] According to Bennett's Dictionary of Marketing Terms, marketing research provides information for identifying and defining marketing opportunities and problems; generating, refining and evaluating marketing actions, monitor marketing performance and improve understanding of marketing as a process. It also designs the method for collecting information; manages and implements the data collection process, analyses the results; and communicates the findings and their implications. [Bennett, 1998; p. 117-18] It is significant to note that the definitions, while placing an emphasis on the measurement and analysis of markets, goes beyond the confines of market research to solve a particular company's marketing problem, encompassing the broad field of marketing. [Cannon, 1996; p.100] Accordingly marketing research essentially encompasses the '4 Ps' of marketing; Lancaster and Massingham present the major types of research, as including: 1. Marketing and sales research, which encompasses Determination of market size of both developed and new markets Identification of market characteristics and segments Identification of market trends Sales forecasting Obtaining information on customers and potential customers Obtaining information on competitors 2. Product research, which covers Generation of new product ideas Product concept testing Product testing Test marketing of products Packaging research focusing on different types of packaging 3. Pricing research focusing on Identifying the relationship between a product or service's price and demand 4. Marketing Communications research covering Effectiveness of advertisement campaigns and marketing communications Media selection research Copy testing Sales territory planning 5.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Politics might be improved by more, rather than less marketing Essay

Politics might be improved by more, rather than less marketing. Discuss - Essay Example Marketing within the political realm is something that must be judged in the proper light to start with. The citizens of the state must be apprised of their due role within the country and then they must also be told about the different aspects related with the spreading of message through the right channels. Politics must make citizens stand up and act. They should take notice of what is happening around them and what the different regimes and movements are doing for their own betterment. This means that awareness and a sense of knowing needs to be the buzzword when we explore the true meaning of politics and marketing the same gives the whole discussion a real boost in the related scheme of things. Political marketing aims to look at the positive sides of delivering quality to the end consumers, for whom the politics is being done. The society is the eventual recipient hence it is the duty of the society to find out what is happening around it. The people are a part of this society and they are rightly the winners and/or losers at the end of the day. They must be made aware of the happenings around them when it comes to true political movements, activities, situations and the like. The usage of banners, websites, rallies, advertorials, email messages, sms texts, web portals, newspapers, magazines and even television and radio suggest that political marketing could be a real happening thing in the times much like today. (KELLEY, 1973) What also is suggested by these factors is the belief that there are a number of other avenues and different forms of media which could be explored so as to propagate the message of the political party or the politics as we might put it here. Politics in the world of today is like a relationship. It connects with an individual in much the same way as a family is connected to him. He is